Why Wire Rope for your railings, indoors or out? Well for starters it blends naturally into its background, enhancing the views from your balcony or deck, or blending subtly into your interior design. Wire Rope is your minimalist solution to endless hours of sanding and staining individual wood spindles. Wire Rope railings are suitable for commercial and residential buildings. For outdoor decks, it is more bird-friendly than glass panels, windows and glass panels are among the leading causes of wild bird deaths, wire rope isn’t just pretty, it’s a responsible solution too!

Wire Rope Is Highly Durable

Wire Rope Railings last, indoors and outdoors. Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, exposed to the elements, Wire Rope stays strong and solid far longer than wood or glass alternatives. Wire Rope is used for heavy duty industrial purposes because it is very strong and durable.

Low Maintenance

Wire Rope requires very little maintenance once it’s installed, if it starts to lose it’s sparkle, simple car wash soap brightens it right back up!

Sleek & Sophisticated

Wire rope railings are unobtrusive, blending into their surroundings, while adding a subtle hint of modern sophistication.

This site is simple…we sell the parts you need to install wire rope railings to either metal or wood surfaces. If you’re not sure what you need, contact us through the FAQ page and we’ll be happy to help you figure out exactly what you need for the project you have in mind. Head to the Shop to see the inventory. We are based in BC, Canada, shipping takes 2-3 weeks within North America.